Spider Control Sydney

#1 Professional Spider Treatments

Spider Control Sydney

Spiders can be scary, but most are harmless to people. Some like black widows and brown recluses can be dangerous though. Getting rid of spiders in your home is important, especially if you have kids or pets. Our experts can safely get rid of spiders for you.

We understand that spiders give some people the creeps. Our licensed technicians are experts who know how to remove them safely. We use special tools and methods to catch and release them outside. This protects spiders that are good for the environment.

Our service starts by finding where spiders might be getting into your house. We seal up cracks and holes on the outside. This keeps new ones from getting back in later. We remove spider webs and egg sacs safely. We also use special chemicals if needed to send them away and discourage them from returning. Within a day or two your place will be free of creepy crawlies!

Our spider control technicians are friendly pros. We wear neat uniforms and booties to keep your home clean. We even clean up after ourselves when the job is done!

Let us ease your worries about spiders. Contact us today to schedule affordable spider control service. We serve the Sydney area and provide free estimates.

Phone 02 8880 7966 now for your peace of mind.

What are Spiders?

Spiders are 8-legged creatures that produce silk from their bodies to make webs and egg sacs. They have two main body parts and simple eyes. Most species of spiders are not aggressive, but may bite in self-defense. Only a few kinds like widows and recluses pose risks to people.

They hunt insects and other small prey. They hide in dark, dry areas like garages, sheds, wood piles, or undisturbed corners. Spider populations rise in warmer months when prey is more available.

Common Species

  • Sydney Funnel-Web Spider: Aggressive, dangerous spider living in suburban gardens.
  • Redback Spider: Black spider with red stripe, painful and potentially dangerous bite.
  • Huntsman Spider: Very large and hairy, painful bite but rarely dangerous.
  • White-tailed Spider: Brown spider, suspected of causing skin wounds with bite.
  • Black House Spider: Commonly found indoors, nasty bite with swelling.
  • Daddy Long-legs: Harmless species living in corners of cellars and ceilings.
  • Black widows – shiny black with red hourglass shape on belly
  • Brown recluses – brown with dark violin shape on back
  • Wolf spiders – hairy, large eyes, camouflage colors
  • Jumping spiders – compact, jump to catch prey
  • Orb weavers – spin large, intricate circular webs

Signs of Infestation

  • Cobwebs in corners, windows, fences
  • Droppings that look like specks of pepper
  • Spotting spiders crawling on walls, floors
  • Getting bitten by spiders

How to control?

  • Seal cracks and openings on exterior
  • Install screens, weather strips, and draft stoppers on windows and vents
  • Remove clutter like wood piles near house or premises
  • Use dehumidifiers to make indoor areas less welcoming
  • Apply pesticides in problem areas

What to do if you have a spider problem?

If you see signs of a spider infestation, contact our professionals. We can fully inspect your property and create a customised plan to get your yard free of spider issues.

Our Spider Control Services

  • Inspection & identification of spider species
  • Targeted, effective chemical treatments
  • Web and egg sac removal
  • Application of barrier sprays & insecticides
  • Follow-up treatments to prevent reinfestations
  • Venomous spider removal

Why Choose Us

  • 10+ years experience
  • Licensed and insured pest controller
  • Humane spider removal
  • Kid and pet safe treatments
  • Guaranteed results
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Cost-effective services

What to do if you have a spider problem?

Locations We Serve

We provide spider pest control services in:

  • Sydney
  • Newcastle
  • Central Coast
  • Blue Mountains
  • Illawarra Region
  • Southern Highland

Contact Us

If you need fast and effective spider control in Sydney and surrounding regions, call us today on 02 8880 7966 for a free quote! Our friendly team is waiting to help make your home spider-free.