Customer Testimonials

We always love hearing feedback from our clients! Here are some previous clients that left their thoughts with us.

Eco Pest Control Sydney came with a response on the same day that I made the inquiry, and on the next day, they were already at my doorstep. They were very thorough with their rodent extermination process, and even gave me some further advice on how to prevent another infestation in the future. Thanks, and I’ll definitely use them again if needed!

Elizabeth Dean– Example of Professionalism

I was met with professionalism, and they took less than an hour to do the cockroach control. Haven’t seen one crawling for a very long time. Thank you, and I highly recommend them!

Catherine Brennan – Great Service for the Price!

I’m completely terrified by spiders, and I would always see red-back spiders crawling around my home. I called Eco Pest Control Sydney, and their pest controller discovered a nest full of them. He got rid of it fast, and I haven’t seen a spider since.

Eliza Crawford – No More Spiders

The pest technician they sent was great. Punctual, polite, and highly knowledgeable. He did the job fast and efficiently. Thank you!

Stephanie Nichols – Great Value for the Price

They booked me in right away for the termite inspection. Every detail I needed was there. Thank you!

Alex Clare – Promptitude and Professionalism

All the boxes I had in storage or simply around the house were being eaten by silverfish. I didn’t even know where they were all coming from. Thankfully, Eco Pest Control Sydney sent someone, and they found the nest. He was very helpful since I was also given pointers on how to prevent a future silverfish infestation.

Leah Hillier – Saved My Storage!

I have a restaurant for which I need regular pest inspections. These guys are always on time, and I never had any problems with pests. They also installed a couple of pest barriers for areas where I might have a potential problem, so they covered me on every ground. Thank you!

Jake Hansman – Very Efficient in Their Job

I asked for an initial quote, thinking I had a huge pest problem, and I got an estimate before the team got here. Turns out that the problem was not that big after all and they reduced the cost to what was necessary. I highly appreciated their honesty. It’s been several weeks since then and I haven’t seen a pest since.

Stella Fowell – An Honest Team!

My cats were constantly riddled with fleas, and it broke my heart to see them struggle that way. No matter how much I took them to the vet and had the fleas taken off, they would still get more. Turns out, they were everywhere in and around the house. I called Eco Pest Control and they applied their treatment. Several days later, my cats are finally sleeping quietly.

Christian Sadlier – Great Help!

Great prices and their product had a fast effect! Thank you for your professionalism! I’ll definitely use them again if I need to.

Kaitlyn Donaldson – Fair Prices

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