Termite Control Sydney

Termite Treatment and Prevention

Termite Control Sydney

Termites are sneaky little bugs that love to eat wood. There are lots of termites in Sydney that can damage your home. They crawl in through tiny cracks and chew through walls and floors. Before you know it, they destroy framing, floorboards, furniture and more.

Lots of Sydney homes have termites. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there, quietly munching away. You need to get your home inspected to check for termites.

Our pest control company has helped Sydney residents get rid of termites for over 10 years. We use special techniques to find where they are hiding. Once we know how bad the termite problem is, we can give you a quote for treatment.

We have solutions like termite baits and chemicals barriers to kill them and protect your home. Our termite control treatments are family-friendly and environmentally responsible too. Plus, we guarantee our work. If any termites come back, we treat them for free.

Termites may be small but the destruction they cause is huge. Protect your home before it’s too late. Give us a call or get your free inspection today. We want to catch problems early and give Sydney homes and commercial properties better termite protection. Let us show you safe and effective ways to get these damaging pests under control.

Phone now at 02 8880 7966 to book our affordable termite control solutions.

Types of Termite Treatments

At Eco Pest Control Sydney, we use several methods to get rid of termites and stop future infestation.

Soil Treatments

Our main treatment is making a protective chemical border around and under your home. We carefully dig narrow ditches around the foundations, pipes, and other spots where termites can enter. Then we fill the ditches with TERMIDOR®. This special liquid makes a continuous toxic barrier that termites can’t get through.

For concrete areas like patios, we inject the liquid chemical through small holes we drill. Ground treatments give the best protection against subterranean termites, the most common pest type.

Timber Treatments

For colonies already inside your home, we use safe sprays made for wood. How much we spray depends on where and how bad the damage is. Destroying the colony prevents more damage.

Termite Baiting Systems

SENTRICON® Bait stations let us find termites and kill them without harming other insects. We put special bait holders in the ground around your home. If they eat the bait, we know there’s a problem. Then we can remove the entire colony.


For really bad drywood termite infestations in wall voids or attics, fumigation may be needed. This means sealing your home and releasing a special gas everywhere to eliminate the group. Fumigation is disruptive but very thorough when required.

Let our termite control experts determine the right solution for your situation. We have extensive experience providing effective treatments for all types of termite pests. Contact us today for an inspection and no-obligation quote.

Types of Termite Treatments

How Do Termite Colonies Cause Damage?

Termites live in large colonies that work together to feed on wood sources. There are three main groups:


The majority of termites are workers. They are wingless, creamy-white soft-bodied insects that do all the feeding on wood. Workers chew through structural timbers to create mud tubes and get access to food. They can severely compromise integrity.


Soldiers are specialist termites with enlarged heads and sharp mandibles. They fiercely defend feeding workers from intruders. Just a few soldiers accompany hundreds of workers in infestations.

Reproductive Caste:

Each mature colony has a queen, king, and nymphs that make up the reproductive base inside the central nest. The queen has an enormous abdomen full of eggs. She lays thousands of eggs daily to keep the population high. Nymphs and alates grow wings to leave and start new satellite nests.

Destructive worker termites operate in three main types:

Subterranean Termites nest underground and tunnel through soil to reach the home. This is the most common type in Australia. Workers follow moisture and chemical trails to food sources, entering unseen through cracks in cement slabs or foundations.

Dampwood Termites form nests inside constantly moist, decaying wood outdoors. Workers invade nearby structurally sound wood to eat nourishment. Excess moisture around homes promotes dampwood colonies.

Drywood Termites form compact nests inside wooden materials, furniture or support beams. Workers feed, live and multiply within infested timber with no ground contact. Tunnels and wood damage may be the only signs. These destructive pests can go undetected for years.

Our expert team stops workers and reproductive castes to halt structural deterioration and prevent new nest establishment. We eliminate current infestations and provide preventative barriers.

Are Pesticides Used Against Termites Safe?

Most liquid termiticides and fumigants used for professional termite control do contain toxic chemicals. However, when applied correctly by licensed technicians, they pose very little risk to people or pets.

Here are some tips on safely using anti-termite pesticides:

  • Read all warning labels carefully and follow re-entry intervals after treatment. Keep children and pets away from application sites during this time.
  • Realise that pesticide odors and residues can linger for a period after application. Ventilate areas well before re-occupying and wash hands after contact with treated areas.
  • Be very cautious with any DIY pesticide use for termite control, especially indoor application. Improper selection, dosage or application can increase risk of exposure and serious health effects.
  • Outdoor soil treatment requires proper protective gear like gloves and masks during application. Attempting this yourself is not advisable.

While older pesticides like DDT raised valid health concerns, modern termiticides have greatly improved environmental and toxicity profiles. Our termite control company uses only EPA-registered chemicals that have undergone rigorous safety testing when applied by certified professionals per label guidelines.

Termite Sprays

Using liquid sprays is one of the best ways to get rid of termites and stop structural damage. When used right, these sprays kill and repel termites.

Why Spraying Works So Well

There are a few reasons sprays are a top choice for termite control:

  • Reliability: Modern spray products like Fipronil have a long record of controlling bugs when applied correctly. Treatment methods by professionals really work.
  • Affordability: Spray gear costs less than other methods. So companies can offer good treatments at competitive pricing. Sprays give you the most value whether preventing or killing infestations.
  • Reaches Termites: Liquid products soak deep into wood, soil and concrete to kill termites below the surface. This stops termites better than dusts that just treat surfaces.
  • Precision Application: Spray tips let technicians apply chemical exactly where needed – either broad areas or small cracks. No waste spraying places termites aren’t located.
  • Long-Lasting Protection: Some soil treatment sprays keep killing bugs for up to 10 years after one application. They prevent future attacks for years with one treatment.

Our termite control technicians use the latest spray gear and chemicals to remove colonies and prevent future invasions. Call today for proven termite spray treatments and peace of mind.

Liquids Used for Termite Control in Sydney

There are several common active ingredients available in termiticide products applied by pest control professionals in the Sydney area. Here are key facts on some top options:


A synthetic pyrethroid that works through contact and ingestion. Offered alone or combined with other actives. Labeled for prevention and wood treatments.


Another pyrethroid insecticide that provides repellent and residual activity. Used widely for indoor and exterior pest control service situations including termites.


The active in popular TERMIDORTM products utilised extensively for soil barrier treatments. Known for long-lasting, effective prevention of termites.


The newer active ingredient in Altriset® termiticide bait. Insects stop feeding after ingesting, breaking the life cycle. Highly selective for termites.


Can deter and eliminate termite colonies through baiting methods or soil application. Also active against a wide range of common urban pests.


A pro-insecticide synergist applied with fipronil to enhance speed of knockdown and mortality in difficult to control species. Used against drywood termites.

Modern termiticides must undergo strict health and environmental testing per Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority standards before public sale and use is allowed. When applied correctly by licensed professionals according to label directions, approved termiticides offer safe, effective termite control for Sydney area homes and businesses.

Liquids Used for Termite Control in Sydney

What Attracts Termites

Certain climatic conditions make homes more likely to get termite species:

  • Moisture – Termites need dampness to live and nest. Leaks, bad drainage, faulty gutters or too much landscape watering wets building materials, giving termites habitat.
  • Wood Materials – Homes with wood siding, support beams and mulch give termites a good food supply once they find it.
  • Small Openings – Tiny cracks and holes in foundations, joints or where pipes come inside let termites enter from the ground.
  • Tree Contact – Dense trees and bushes touching the home let termites bridge unseen through roots over treated soil into wood mulch and the structure.
  • Heat Sources – Warm areas like heaters, hot water pipes and inside walls pull in termites from the colder ground and woods.
  • Low Spots – Poor drainage areas collect runoff, wetting foundation materials. This constant dampness helps termites nest and breed.

Finding and fixing these problems through better drainage, ventilation, plant trimming and sealing cracks denies termites the conditions they need to infest and damage buildings. Combined with our professional services, you deter termites so they can’t invade your home.

Signs of a Termite Infestation

Underground Tunnels

Termites build extensive tunnels and galleries underground as they travel back and forth from their nests to the structure. These tunnels can sometimes be seen under concrete slabs or along foundation walls.

Mud Tubes

Termites construct narrow, cylindrical mud tubes to protect themselves as they travel across exposed areas looking for food. Tubes running up foundation walls or across joints are evidence of activity.


New reproductive termites with wings emerge from late summer through early spring to mate and start new nests. Seeing swarmers in or near your home likely signals an established colony needing elimination.

Wood Pellets

Drywood termites expel wood bits mixed with waste known as frass through kick-out holes as they feed. Piles of this wood-like material can indicate an infestation.

Sagging Floors

As termites eat away critical floor joists and subfloor from underneath, localised areas can begin sinking or sagging, alerting homeowners to issues.

Hollow Sounds

Tapping on walls, flooring or wood trim that sounds dull or hollow means termites may have seriously compromised structural integrity out of sight.

Signs like blistered wood coverings, cracked sheets on drywall or dying trees can also mean termites are actively feeding unseen on building elements. Don’t delay inspection and treatment if any worrying evidence is found! Severe damage to property can happen quickly.

How Much Do Termite Inspections Cost?

Termite inspection prices can range from $80 to $400 depending on your property’s size and other factors. The average cost for a standard inspection is usually between $150-$250.

What impacts the inspection cost? Key factors include:

  • Property Size – Larger homes require more time to thoroughly inspect every area which increases the price.
  • Location – Inspections may cost more if your property has difficult access issues requiring more equipment.
  • Scope of Inspection – A basic inspection is cheaper than ones checking fences, sheds, exterior areas, etc.
  • Detection Methods – Advanced tools like microwave scanning or thermal imaging improve detection but also increase costs.
  • Time of Year – Peak termite season between spring and summer may come with surcharges due to high demand.

While a basic inspection provides enough information for most property owners, extensive activity or previous signs of termites may warrant a more detailed screening.

We offer free onsite consultations to evaluate your needs and provide transparent quotes tailored specifically to inspecting the unique aspects of your property. Contact us today to learn just how affordable protecting your home from termites can be!

Signs of a Termite Infestation

Our Termite Treatment Services

  • Comprehensive Inspections
  • Liquid Termiticide Applications
  • Termite Baiting & Stations
  • Fumigation (Tenting)
  • Wood Repairs & Sealing
  • Moisture Control
  • Chemical Barriers & Physical Barriers

Why Choose Us

  • 10+ Years Experience
  • Full Licensing & Insurance
  • Tactical Precision Inspections
  • High-Tech Detection Methods
  • Custom Treatment Plans
  • Environmentally Responsible
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Locations

We proudly service home and business owners in Greater Sydney including:

  • Eastern Suburbs
  • Inner West
  • North Sydney
  • North Shore
  • Northern Beaches
  • Hills District
  • Sutherland Shire
  • South Western Sydney

Contact Us

Call us today or complete our online form to schedule an inspection and customised risk reduction plan. Take advantage of our seasonal spring discounts to catch problems early and avoid exponential termite damage exposure!

Get in touch with our pest exterminator on 02 8880 7966 to schedule our professional termite control services.